Saturday, April 2, 2011

Ways You Can Help Abolish Poverty in the World

20 Ways You Can Help Abolish Poverty in the World

1. Give money to poverty relief organizations like, Samaritan’s Purse, the Red Cross and others.

2. Push your government to put sanctions on corrupt countries who withhold food and aid from their impoverished citizens. How? Write letters to your local, state and federal officials, including your Senator and Congressman. Start a petition for more aid–in your country and in third-world countries.

3. Volunteer at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen for homeless individuals–right in your own town.

4. Encourage the United Nations to take a more active role in pushing members to donate funds.

5. Become part of organizations like the Peace Corps and others who actually teach impoverished people how to cultivate the land and produce crops of their own.

6. Take a mission trip (i.e. field trip with a church group or organization like Mission Year) to a third-world country and build homes, plant food and give people hope.

7. Have too much stuff in your closets, attics and drawers? If you’re not using it, lose it. Give it away to your local Salvation Army or Good Will so less fortunate people can enjoy your surplus.

8. Commit a percentage of your income each month to helping others and giving to the poor and needy. Give donations regularly but also keep fast food restaurant coupons ready for the homeless.

9. Spread the word about poverty. When the opportunity arises, mention to your family, friends and co-workers how they can help abolish poverty. Be an ambassador!

10. Teach your children. Let them know how important it is to help people in need. If you’re a school teacher or church leader, consider having a special lesson series or even challenge your students to raise money for those who are needy.

11. Push your company to give at least 10% away to poverty-related causes. If you own a company, hold dollar-for-dollar match campaigns to encourage your employees to contribute. Hold a fundraising golf tournament and have your suppliers/vendors advertise (and give away the money).

12. Hold a charity benefit. You don’t have to be rich to do this. Simply hold a dinner party or potluck and have everyone pay an amount to attend for charity ($10? $50?).

13. Donate canned goods to your local food bank like Second Harvest Food Bank once a month.

14. Sponsor a needy child in a third-world country through reputable organizations such as Compassion International and World Vision.

15. Educate yourself on the statistics of poverty. Read more at Wikipedia and the U.S. Census Bureau.

16. Ask your child’s school if there are any needy children who need supplies or food. Offer to donate them.

17. Set aside extra money each Christmas to participate in programs such as the Angel Tree, Toys for Tots or Operation Christmas Child so children in poverty can receive a toy.

18. Set aside an “Abolish Poverty” day in your family, community or church. Hold a fundraiser and offer certificates for the person who raises the most money.

19. Start a clothing and food bank at your church or in your neighborhood. Many times, people in need will go to a church first. Make sure your church is well-stocked.

20. Pray! Ask God to break down walls in third-world countries so more impoverished people can get the food they need. Ask God to soften the hearts of the world leaders who are blocking food from those who need it most. Ask God’s Spirit to move the hearts of everyone in the world so they will want to help others and take care of those who are poor. Ask God to restore hope to those in poverty.

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