Click on a city name for a list of GIS Companies in that city
PAM Technologies - PAM Technologies provides total solutions in the fields of Geographical Information Systems (GIS), AM/FM, Remote Sensing & Image Processing, Satellite Photogrammetry, Urban Planning & Solutions, Engineering & Technical Consultancy, Total Station & GPS Surveys, Custom Spatial Software Development, Web & Intranet Solutions, CAD/CAM Solutions and Drawing & Map Data Conversion.
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phone - 079-6461325 Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. - we are into GIS, GPS, AM/FM, CADD, Remote Sensing, Topographic Land Survey and Mapping Specialist
Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. - Allahabad based GIS company doing digitization analysis and preparation of Crime, Land Record, and other GIS based application.
GIS Networks - A newly growing AM/FM/GIS/GPS company based in Aurangabad, Maharashtra have done successfully several GIS projects in middle east now catering govt / domestic market.
email - - TIDE is a GIS organisation based in Bangalore. They have helped in setting up a GIS center at Bangalore Metropolitan Regional Development Authority (BMRDA) for assisting them in development of Bangalore city. They have also worked on some interesting projects, for details visit their web site. Genesys - GIS service provider, based in Bangalore & Mumbai. They are also into Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Software Development and CAD conversion. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. - Most prominent group in India "TATA" having its office in Bangalore provides GIS solution & services and also deals with software sales.
Magnasoft - Provider of AM/FM/GIS and RS services since 1994 catering to reputed clients both in India and North America, Magnasoft is located in Bangalore.
email - Pixelinfotek - Bangalore based company engaged in GIS services for the last six years, It has executed several GIS projects for clients in USA, now offering GIS services in the domestic market.
email - GDR Software Limited - GDR Software Limited is an ISO 9001 Certified (GIS Division), listed IT organization involved in Application Development, GIS, AM/FM and CAD Conversion, Internet & E-Commrce, etc,.
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Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. - GIS inhouse infrastructure facilities for basic GIS works, located in Bhubaneswar.
email - AABSys IT - Aabsys provides GIS and cartographic solution to clients all over the world. We have a professional approach and also the fundamental infrastructure and the technical expertise as well to provide high quality solution to international clients. Aabsys is in Bhubaneshwar.
email - Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. - SPARC is committed to offer solutions in Map digitisation, GIS, AM, FM, CAD and Remote Sensing. SPARC assures highest quality products within the timeframe with adequate Quality Control and Project management. SPARc is located within STPI-Bhubaneswar.
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Riddhi Management Service - Riddhi has been chosen as the GIS partner of Autodesk Inc, USA and business associate of ERMapper, Australia . Riddhi is now focussing in Consulting and service providing business in GIS and remote sensing for both Indian and overseas market, along with the software (Whizmap, AnimRoute and many other Riddhi softwares) sales, projects and training .
email - Sesalite Infotech - We are in the field of GIS application development as well as Utility mapping like Tourism, Power,Transmission,Urban and Rural Mapping, Business Geographies etc.
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phone - 4498342 Error! Hyperlink reference not valid. - A fast growing software development and data processing house with increasing involvment in GIS based applications. Channel partner for a foreign concern.
email - DSQ Soft - DSQ Software Ltd is one of the leading IT houses of India, employing more than 2,500 software engineers all around the world. DSQ has a dedicated group for providing CAD/GIS services at Bangalore & Calcutta. This group has expertise on Arc/Info, ArcView, Microstation, MapInfo & Autodesk suite of products.
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Kondagan Infotech - Consortium of Companies with Kondagan Infotech as the Flagship Company, Basically a Software Company specialising on Web based Solutions, Data Warehousing, Web Programming, GIS Based Solutions making use of Java Servelets, ASP, Cold Fusion, MapInfo, ArcView, VB, Oracle and Scripting.
email - Q-flex Info - Q-flex Info Solutions based in Chennai. provides cost effective quality services In the field of GIS, digital photogrammetry ,Data Conversion, digitization.
email - Variac Systems - An established provider of GIS & CAD services especially for digitizing and mapping services. Work exclusively for companies in North America and Europe.
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Global Info Science - Hosting ideas spatially. We are the Jaipur-India based WEB-GIS solution provider deals in GIS, NET, WEB Solution , GIS-NET based application Development, Web Site Development, Hosting, Promotion, GIS mapping, Hardware/Software, Digitization, Scanning.
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Satyam Navigation (SatNav) - Is a virtual company, promoted by Satyam Computer Services Limited under Satyam Technology Entrepreneurship Program (STEP), SatNav offers state-of-the-art Internet, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) enabled solutions, services and products. SatNav is pioneering one of the most innovative services on the web: on-line Internet and intranet mapping. SATNAV combines its digital data with the visitors input to generate a map 'on-the fly' and display the results on screen. At SatNav, we have developed many stand-alone GIS applications and GIS software. The resources we invest in the development of high quality products and services demonstrate Satyam Navigation's commitment to quality. SatNav applies the most stringent quality assurance standards to all its solutions, services, and products.
email - Infotech - Infotech undertakes Software Projects and develops Software Packages in GIS areas including mapping and logistics. Our GeoLOGIC is a mapping and routing software product. Digital Pages is a Kiosk and Public Information application with mapping and routing capabilities.
email - KLUG IT Pvt. Ltd - KLUG IT Pvt. Ltd was incorporated in 1994 with the view to provide GIS based solutions and services to the world enterprise community. With the motto “Sky is the Limit” the company is being run by a group of dynamic professionals. Our team consists of committed experts in GIS and related technologies with requisite qualifications and a zealous pursuit for perfection. The company has acquired the essential infrastructure to offer services in GIS.
email - Speck Systems Limited - This company is a total survey, mapping and GIS company extending service from data acquisition by aerial and ground methods, Photogrammetry, both analytical and softcopy.
email - Rann Vision - Company dealing in GIS projects, has worked for Government organisation, It is been approved by Dept. of Space of India.
email - SibSun - Application of GIS for Disaster Management, Security Services, Health Services and Agriculture.
email - ICC Technologies - IIC (An ISO 9002 Company) is a premier service bureau organisation with years of experience in CAD/GIS conversion at Hyderabad. IIC handles lumpsum of projects in CAD/GIS, Software Development and Electronics Navigation Chart services.
email - Orpine Systems - Orpine provides GIS & RS services for the following sectors, Web GIS, Agriculture, Environmental Monitoring, Forestry, Geology & Lithology, Hydrology, Natural Hazard Monitoring and Regional Planning. We also provide training in GIS & RS
email - Landends Solutions - A Spatial Information Technology Company providing services and products in Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, GIS, GPS. Recognised by Department of Space (India).
email - ACS - ACS specializes in the conversions of drawings and maps to CAD vector files, catering to a worldwide clientele. ACS has skilled process engineering teams, using high resolution, high precision CAD systems to ensure the best quality and accurate conversion.
email - Spatial Technologies - Spatial Technologies, promoted by technocrats in the year 1991 at Hyderabad in India is a pioneer Company in Spatial Information Systems. The Company has managed to retain its edge in the field by constantly updating its products, components and applications. In fact, the Company is now poised to play a significant role in the Global market by promoting Web based Spatial Information Systems using a host of components and tools developed by the Company. The Company has set-up a skeletal base in US and Australia in its effort towards globalization and intends to intensify its efforts towards developing the global market.
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Coral Computers - ACCESS - GIS solutions - Map digitisation, Attribute entry, Database designing and consultancy on GIS & Remote Sensing. Recognised by Department of Space, ISRO, Govt. of India,
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L&T Infotech - Larsen & Toubro Infotech Limited provide state-of-the-art integrated GIS solutions in the following areas. GIS-ERP Integration, GIS Application Development Utility Management: Electricity, Water, Oil & Gas, Internet based GIS applications Transportation & Logistics, Database Design & Geo-coding and Data Conversion.
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phone - 7612583 Geosoft Topographics - Mumbai based company and having branch office in Ahmedabad provides GIS based Digitizing, Mapping, Remote Sensing Analysis,Survey ,Photogrammetry and Training. Authorized distributor, support centre and training provider for ERDAS range of Products in Western India viz. Maharasthra and Gujarat. Also, authorized reseller for MrSID range of Products.
email - Arayan Biz - ABS specializes in Automated Mapping/Facilities Management Systems (AM/FM) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Our core service is providing mapping solutions for the utility industry. However, the range of services that we offer has proven to be beneficial for multiple GIS disciplines. Our strength is derived from continuing to innovate, learn and build upon our experience.
email - CARE InfoTech - CARE INFOTECH, is an IT industry located at Central Business District, Navi Mumbai, focusing in the areas of Mobile computing, Mobile GIS, Location based services, Business Geographics, Utility management, Satellite image analysis, Digital Elevation Modeling, Urban Planning, Water Resources Management. CARE INFOTECH has experience of more than 100 person years in Geoinformatics.
email - Rider Software Ltd. - Mumbai base company, providing digitising & software development service. Apart from GIS, they are also into Web Publishing and Multimedia. Fedsoft - Company based in Mumbai providing CAD conversion/GIS services of scanning, raster to vecter conversion of drgs/maps/contours etc.,into Microstation, Autocad and other various cad and gis software formats, parcel-mapping, hypsography clean-ups, dtm/dem/tin creations Nucleus GIS - Nucleus Netsoft & GIS Ltd. a Internet and GIS company in providing user services and solutions for Scientific Investigations, Resource Management, Infrastructure Facility Management and Development planning.
email - Jishnu Ocean - We carryout field survey and mapping using Differential Global Postion Systems (DGPS) and map them on differnt format. We adopt Indian Navy standards for our survey work. We have been in this line for more than a decade serving Govt. organisation and private agencies. We also Provide GPS/DGPS on rental basis.
email - Archisoft Inc. - The Site is a Online office for ARCHISOFT which is involved into a wide areas of IT Industry out of which GIS is it's primary business.
email - Genesys - GIS service provider, based in Bangalore & Mumbai. They are also into Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Software Development and CAD conversion.
email - Geo Systems & Tech. - Geo Systems & Technologies provide consultancy services in GeoSciences and related technology areas, viz.planning and management of industrial projects in Economic Mineral Exploration, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications, Oil & Gas, Environment and Geo-Technical Engineering.
email - KK Sharma - KKSGIS - an GIS consulting company has started its operations from Mumbai. Has network of franchise and regional offices throughout India. The range of services offered by KKSGIS are - Image Processing; Remote sensing; Software development; GPS; Attributal Data Creation; Map Conversion Services; Data Manipulation & Analysis; Mapping and Map Data Products; Manpower training and GIS projects on turnkey basis.
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ACCESS GIS - Access - GIS was founded in 1995 for provider of Geospatial solutions and IT consulting services. Providing CAD Conversion & AM/FM-GIS services.
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ManChitra Services - Manchitra Services Pvt. Ltd. is a provider of cutting-edge mapping and location-based solutions. Manchitra uses its spatial technology to develop enterprise solutions with focus on telecom, utility, transportation & business geographics segments and to power consumer applications that can be delivered through Internet, mobile devices, kiosks & call centres.
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phone - 6435455, 6435456 ESRI India - ESRI India (the ArcInfo fame!) is the market leader in the field of GIS in India. It has been awarded with " Best GIS solutions company of the year" in Map India 2001 conference held in New Delhi. ESRI India is now focussing in Consulting business in GIS for both Indian and overseas market, along with the software (ArcInfo, ArcView GIS, MapObjects, ArcIMS and many other ESRI softwares) sales and training in Indian geo-territory, Nepal and Bhutan..
email - - RMSI, Service provided by RMSI- Map & drawing data conversion. Digital Mapping and Automated Cartography, Digital Map Data Products which are State/Country Maps with district, towns, national and state highways, water bodies and demographic information. City Map with transportation networks (roads, streets, railways), land use & morphology showing urban sprawl, and terrain heights (contours, spot elevations and DEMs). GIS Consultancy and Software Development Radiant Informatics - RIPL is a business partner with Tata Infotech Ltd. for selling MapInfo products. They have developed number of applications ranging from Marketing and Sales, Crime, Land Record, GIS based Human Resource Software, India Golden Data and Map Series, Election analysis software etc. They are located in New Delhi - ML Infomap, New Delhi, You will find with them data relating to industry, work force, demographics, elections, agriculture, village infrastructure, road and rail networks, and more. Their map databases are for creating presentations, demographic profiling; developing applications for transportation networks and rural marketing; planning telecommunication facilities; and much more Kampsax India Pvt. Ltd. - Yet another company giving Photogrammetry service in India. It is located near New Delhi (Gurgoan, Haryana) Kaizer CAD Services - New Delhi based Kaizer CAD Services is in to providing CAD and GIS Services including map data conversion, Application Development and training. We are also a business associate of ESRI India. Our specialization of map data creation is in Mining applications, Land Record data creation and in Utility applications. We give output data in any of the Industry standard GIS Software. We have a lot of data of India statewise, City wise that we have created over a period of time. Anybody looking for some data can visit our site.
email - Saboo ITech - Saboo Limited specialises in GIS Consultancy and Software Development. We provide Digital Mapping and Automated Cartography for Crisis Management, Oceanography, Meteorological survey, Land Record data creation etc.
email - CGIS - CGIS is in technical collaboration with Cadcorp Inc, (U.K.), 3d Mapper Pty.Ltd ( Australia), providing a full range of GIS consulting services for government, utilities & business. Effective implementation of a GIS is a complex endeavor that requires an integrated approach. CGIS consulting staff offers a wide variety of startup services from an initial need assessment to the full implementation of GIS system. CGIS will customize the GIS design and implement to your specific needs.
email - Co-Ordinates - Coordinates is a young and dynamic company dedicated to providing complete GIS solutions to clients in various vertical market segments. Co-ordinates can take up all the three phases of any GIS project: user needs analysis, digitization of maps and customization of software. Co-ordinates is also a partner to GeoConcept, a comapany that is based in France.
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Systems Research Institute - Systems Research Institute has had a GIS activity since 1980; the packages THEMAPS and DIGITIZ were developed here in the mid-80s; since the late 90s, SRI has been a partner of GeoConcept of Paris, and has specialised in the use of the GeoConcept development kits. Systems Research Institute also has a complete suite of digital maps of India.
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phone - 020-4260323, 4265431 @Manage India - @Manage India was established over a year ago as an in-house R & D center of @Manage Inc., Sunnyvale, US and has executed many full lifecycle software assignments in the Network and Systems monitoring domain for the parent company and certain other reputed clients in the US. @manage is further extended into GIS Solutions for the Clients worldwide
email - Cartographics - We provide Map digitization, GIS, AM, FM, CAD and Cartographic solution to clients all over the world. The company pursues, as its aim to use the experience gained by it’s personnel & skilled CAD / GIS experts to service clients maintaining high standards of quality while respecting time schedules.
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phone - 020-5453876, 5453877 GSS Infrastructures - Company based in Pune providing services in GIS, AM, FM, UM, Raster to Vector conversion, Photogrammetry, Surveying, Remote Sensing applications, alignments, Digital Mapping, Project management, Terrain monitoring, Ground control, Watershed modelling, Irrigation design, Digital Elevation Models Suyog GIS - Suyog GIS is a part of US based Suyog Group providing GIS, Photogrammetry, GPS based survey & mapping, Vehical Tracking System and Business GIS (Market research).
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