Saturday, February 5, 2011

Responsibility or Business?

Now a days parents are caring,guiding and showing right path to their children.Its good.But some are thinking that their son/daughter should get ranks and they have to say proudly to others.Expecting is ok and their children are doing well but they are not getting rank's.Because of their capability to grasp read and remembrance.
But please don't put strain on them to get 99% or 98%.
IF they are keeping pressure on them they may depress and suicide. so please don't expect too much from your child.

some parents are expecting some amount from their children.

that they are giving money to studies and expecting money from children after their studies?
if really child having money more than his/her wants he will definitely give to their parents...
so don't think bad about me...please think parents and children it is not about business ...its all about relation....

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