Wednesday, May 1, 2013


P.D.S Stands for---Plant Design system.

Backend for P.D.S is---oracle

Primitives means? Primitive means already predefined 3d solids like cylinder,cones..etc.

What is “Absolute coordinate system” and “Delta coordinate system”?
coordinate system starting with (0,0,0) is absolute coordinate system
Delta coordinate system is starting with existing coordinates

Equipment means--- Group of components.

How to move equipment?--- move equipment tool

What is difference between “mirror” and “mirror copy”?---mirror will mirror original component,but mirror copy will mirror and copy the original component.

What is mandatory condition for placing Nozzle?---Datum point

P.D.S is developed by---Intergraph

What is “PREP” in defining nozzle?---end preparation

What is PP and PP snap lock?--Place point and to arrest axis we are using pp snap lock

Working environment for P.D.S is---Microstation

What is the use of “Reference model”?--to attach see the different models in current model

By which option nozzles are connected to pipe?---connect to design

What is “segment”?---centre line of pipe

Is there any possibility to place a pipe in open space? If yes, how?---yes,point in space

“Skewed intersect” is used for?---to see different possibilities of two pipe runs

How to delete segment?--delete piping (with comp/pipes n segments)

The option to delete only “branch of pipe” is--- Delete piping--pipe segment as branch.

Which option is used to place pipe and components automatically?--auto replacement

What is the difference between “move pipe run” and “move pipe end”?
move pipe run is used to move that pipe
move pipe end is used to increase/decrease pipe and directly connect to nozzle.

PMC stands for---piping material class

How segment can be edited?---revise segment--move vertex.

How pipe run can break?--attribute break

Is there any way to join segments?---connect segments

How to replace ‘n’ components in a pipe at a time?---revise segment data/auto replacement

 How many windows can be opened in P.D.S?---8

What is the use of isometric drawing?---for installation,insulation,placement of supports,paint spec

Drawing manager is used for   --- extraction of drawing in different views..

(above answer are purely upto my knowledge,if u have any queries reply me)

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